System Reference Document v3.5

Epic Levels



Regardless of the method used to attain 21st level, once a character reaches that point he or she is considered an epic character. Epic characters—those characters whose character level is 21st or higher—are handled slightly differently than nonepic characters. While they continue to gain most of the customary benefits of gaining levels, some benefits are replaced by alternative gains.

Despite the twenty-level limit indicated in the class descriptions a class can be advanced beyond 20th level by using these rules. A ten-level prestige class beyond can also be advanced beyond 10th level, but only if the character level of the advancing character is already 20th or higher. A class with fewer than ten levels cannot be advanced beyond the maximum described for that class, regardless of the character level of the advancing character.

Epic Save Bonus: A character’s base save bonus does not increase after his character level reaches 20th. However, he does receive a cumulative +1 epic bonus on all saving throws every even-numbered level after 20th, as shown on Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonuses.

Epic Attack Bonus: A character’s base attack bonus does not increase after his character level reaches 20th. However, he does receive a cumulative +1 epic bonus on all attack rolls every odd-numbered level after 20th, as shown on Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonuses. Only base attack bonus is used to calculate iterative attacks. In addition, base attack bonus never grants a creature more than four attacks with any given weapon using the full attack option, though special abilities and class features may provide additional attacks.

Class Skill Max Ranks: The maximum number of skill ranks a character can have in a class skill is equal to his or her character level +3.

Cross-Class Skill Max Ranks: For cross-class skills, the maximum ranks are one-half the maximum for a class skill.

Feats: Characters continue to gain feats based on character level as normal. Note that these feats are in addition to any bonus feats granted in the class descriptions.

Ability Increases: Characters continue to gain ability score increases based on character level as normal.


Epic Save
Epic Base
Attack Bonus
21st +0 +1
22nd +1 +1
23rd +1 +2
24th +2 +2
25th +2 +3
26th +3 +3
27th +3 +4
28th +4 +4
29th +4 +5
30th +5 +5

For multiclass characters, feats and ability increases are gained according to overall character level, not class level.


Many, but not all, class features continue to accumulate after 20th level. The following guidelines describe how the epic class progressions work.

  • Class-related base save bonuses and base attack bonus don’t increase after 20th level. Thus, these class tables have no columns for base save bonuses or base attack bonus. Instead, use Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonuses to determine the character’s epic bonus on saving throws and attacks.
  • A character continues to gain Hit Dice and skill points as normal beyond 20th level.
  • Generally speaking, any class feature that uses the character’s class level as part of a mathematical formula continues to increase using the character’s class level in the formula.
  • Any prestige class feature that calculates a save DC using the class level should add only half the character’s class levels above 10th.
  • For spellcasters, caster level continues to increase after 20th level. However, a character’s spells per day don’t increase after 20th level.
  • The powers of familiars, special mounts, and fiendish servants continue to increase as their masters gain levels, if they’re based on a formula that includes the caster’s level.
  • Any class features that increase or accumulate as part of a repeated pattern also continue to increase or accumulate after 20th level at the same rate. An exception to this rule is any bonus feat progression granted as a class feature. If a character gets bonus feats as part of a class feature these do not increase with epic levels. Instead, these classes get a new bonus feat progression (described in each class summary below).
  • In addition to the class features retained from lower levels, each class gains a bonus feat every two, three, four, or five levels after 20th. This benefit augments each class’s progression of class features, because not all classes otherwise improve class features after 20th level. These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that every character gets from level advancement.
  • A character doesn’t gain any new class features beyond 20th level. Class features with a progression that slows or stops before 20th level and features that have a limited list of options do not improve as a character attains epic level.

Likewise, class features that are gained only at a single level do not improve.

Adding a Second Class

When an epic character with levels in only one class attains a new level, she may choose to increase the level of her current class or pick up a new class at 1st level. The standard rules for multiclassing still apply, but epic characters must keep in mind the rules for epic advancement.

An epic character gains the class skills, weapon proficiency, armor proficiency, spells, and other class features of the new class, as well as a Hit Die of the appropriate size. In addition, the character gets the usual skill points from the new class

An epic character does not gain the base attack bonuses and base save bonuses normally gained when adding a second class. Instead, the character uses the epic attack bonus and epic save bonus progression shown on Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonus.


Hit Die: d12.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Barbarian Rage: The epic barbarian gains one use of rage per day every four levels higher than 20th.

Trap Sense (Ex): The epic barbarian’s bonus increases by +1 every three levels higher than 18th.

Damage Reduction (Ex): The epic barbarian’s damage reduction increases by 1 point every three levels higher than 19th.

Bonus Feats: The epic barbarian gains a bonus feat every four levels higher than 20th.


Hit Die: d6.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Spells: The bard’s caster level is equal to his class level. The bard’s number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level. The bard does not learn additional spells.

Bardic Music: The bard gains no new bardic music effects from his Perform ranks.

Bardic Knowledge: Add the bard’s class level + Intelligence modifier to all bardic knowledge checks, as normal.

Bonus Feats: The epic bard gains a bonus feat every three levels higher than 20th.

Inspire Courage (Su): The epic bard’s bonus when this ability is used increases by +1 every six levels higher than 20th.


Hit Die: d8.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Spells: The cleric’s caster level is equal to his class level. The cleric’s number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level.

Turn or Rebuke Undead: Use the cleric’s class level to determine the most powerful undead affected by a turn or rebuke check and the turning damage, just as normal.

Bonus Feats: The epic cleric gains a bonus feat every three levels higher than 20th.


Hit Die: d8.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Spells: The druid’s caster level is equal to her class level. The druid’s number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level.

Animal Companion: The epic druid’s animal companion continues to increase in power. Every three levels higher than 20th the animal companion’s gains 2 bonus hit dice, +1 strength and dexterity, and an additional trick.

Wild Shape (Su): The druid can use this ability to take the form of an animal one additional time per day every four levels higher than 18th. The druid’s ability to wild shape into an elemental does not improve.

Bonus Feats: The epic druid gains a bonus feat every four levels higher than 20th.


Hit Die: d10.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Bonus Feats: The epic fighter gains a bonus feat every two levels higher than 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on).


Hit Die: d8.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

AC Bonus (Ex): The monk’s bonus to Armor Class when unarmored increases by +1 every five levels higher than 20th.

Unarmed Strike: The damage for a monk’s unarmed strike does not increase after 16th level.

Stunning Fist: If the monk has the Stunning Fist feat use the monk’s class level when determining the DC to resist this attack, as normal.

Unarmored Speed Bonus: The epic monk’s speed when wearing no armor increases by 10 feet every three levels higher than 18th.

Ki Strike (Su): The monk’s ki strike ability does not automatically increase with class level after 20th level.

Wholeness of Body (Su): The epic monk can cure up to twice her class level in hit points each day, as normal.

Abundant Step (Su): Use the monk’s class level when determining the effective caster level of this ability, as normal.

Diamond Soul (Ex): The epic monk’s spell resistance is equal to her class level +10, as normal.

Quivering Palm (Su): Use the monk’s class level when determining the DC to resist this attack, as normal.

Empty Body (Su): Use the monk’s class level when determining the duration of this effect, as normal.

Bonus Feats: The epic monk gains a bonus feat every five levels higher than 20th.


Hit Die: d10.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Lay on Hands (Su): Each day the epic paladin can cure a total number of hit points equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) times her class level, as normal.

Smite Evil (Su): The epic paladin adds her class level to damage with any smite evil attack, as normal. She can smite one additional time per day for every five levels higher than 20th.

Turn Undead (Su): The paladin turns undead as a cleric of two levels lower, as normal.

Spells: The paladin’s caster level is equal to one-half her class level, as normal. The paladin’s number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level.

Special Mount: The epic paladin’s special mount continues to increase in power. Every five levels higher than 20th, the special mount gains +2 bonus Hit Dice, its natural armor increases by +2, its Strength adjustment increases by +1, and its Intelligence increases by +1. The mount’s spell resistance equals the paladin’s class level + 5.

Remove Disease (Sp): The epic paladin can use remove disease one additional time per week for every three levels higher than 18th.

Bonus Feats: The epic paladin gains a bonus feat every three levels higher than 20th.


Hit Die: d8.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Spells: The ranger’s caster level is equal to one-half his class level, as normal. The ranger’s number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level.

Favored Enemy (Ex): The epic ranger gains one additional favored enemy, and his bonuses against one category of favored enemies go up by +2, every five levels higher than 20th.

Animal Companion: The epic ranger’s animal companion continues to increase in power. The ranger’s effective druid level is half his ranger level.

Bonus Feats: The epic ranger gains a bonus feat every three levels higher than 20th.


Hit Die: d6.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Sneak Attack: The epic rogue’s sneak attack damage increases by +1d6 at every odd-numbered level (+11d6 at 21st, +12d6 at 23rd, and so on).

Special Abilities: The rogue does not gain additional rogue special abilities after 19th level, but can choose a rogue special ability (crippling strike, defensive roll, improved evasion, opportunist, skill mastery, and slippery mind) instead of a bonus feat.

Bonus Feats: The epic rogue gains a bonus feat every four levels higher than 20th.


Hit Die: d4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Spells: The sorcerer’s caster level is equal to his class level. The sorcerer’s number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level. The sorcerer does not learn additional spells.

Familiar: The epic sorcerer’s familiar continues to increase in power. Every two levels higher than 20th the familiar’s natural armor bonus and Intelligence each increase by +1. The familiar’s spell resistance is equal to the master’s level + 5. At 21st level and again every ten levels higher than 21st, the familiar gains the benefit of the Familiar Spell epic feat for a spell of its master’s choice.

Bonus Feats: The epic sorcerer gains a bonus feat every three levels higher than 20th.


Hit Die: d4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Spells: The wizard’s caster level is equal to her class level. The wizard’s number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level. Each time the wizard attains a new level, she learns two new spells of any level or levels that she can cast (according to her new level).

Familiar: The epic wizard’s familiar continues to increase in power. Every two levels higher than 20th the familiar’s natural armor bonus and Intelligence each increase by +1. The familiar’s spell resistance is equal to the master’s level + 5. At 21st level and again every ten levels higher than 21st, the familiar gains the benefit of the Familiar Spell epic feat for a spell of its master’s choice.

Bonus Feats: The epic wizard gains a bonus feat every three levels higher than 20th.


These epic rules work for monsters with character levels, using the creature’s effective character level (ECL) instead of just its class levels.



The following feats are available only to epic characters. Whenever an epic character gains a new feat, it can be from among the standard list of feats or one of the feats described below.

Familiar Spell [Epic]

Prerequisite: Int 25 (if your spellcasting is controlled by Intelligence) or Cha 25 (if your spellcasting is controlled by Charisma).

Benefit: Choose one spell you know of 8th level or lower. Your familiar can now cast this spell once per day as a spell-like ability as a caster of a level equal to your caster level. You cannot bestow a spell upon your familiar if the spell normally has a material component cost of more than 1 gp, or any XP cost.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, you can give your familiar a new spell-like ability, or another daily use of the same spell-like ability.

Great Smiting [Epic]

Prerequisites: Cha 25, smite ability (from class feature or domain granted power).

Benefit: Whenever you make a successful smite attack, add twice the appropriate level to damage.

Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. (Remember that two doublings equals a tripling, and so forth.)

Improved Elemental Wild Shape [Epic]

Prerequisites: Wis 25, ability to wild shape into an elemental.

Benefit: Your ability to wild shape into an elemental is expanded to include all elemental creatures (not just air, earth, fire, and water elementals) of any size that you can take when wild shaping into an animal. You gain all extraordinary and supernatural abilities of the elemental whose form you take.

Normal: Without this feat, you may only take the shape of a Small, Medium, or Large air, earth, fire, or water elemental.

Improved Favored Enemy [Epic]

Prerequisites: Five or more favored enemies.

Benefit: Add +1 to the bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks and damage rolls against all your favored enemies.

Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Improved Metamagic [Epic]

Prerequisites: Four metamagic feats, Spellcraft 30 ranks.

Benefit: The spell slot you must use to cast a metamagic spell is one level lower than normal (to a minimum of one level higher than normal).

This feat has no effect on a metamagic feat that requires a spell slot one level higher than normal or does not require a higher level slot.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The effects stack, though you can’t lower the level of any metamagic spell’s slot to less than one level higher than normal.

Improved Sneak Attack [Epic]

Prerequisite: Sneak attack +8d6.

Benefit: Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage.

Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Improved Spell Capacity [Epic]

Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells of the normal maximum spell level in at least one spellcasting class.

Benefit: When you select this feat, you gain one spell slot per day of any level up to one level higher than the highest level spell you can already cast in a particular class. The character must have the requisite ability score (10 + spell level) in order to cast a spell stored in such a slot. If the character has a high enough ability modifier to gain one or more bonus spells for this spell level, she also gains those bonus spells for this spell level.

This feat can’t grant spellcasting ability to a class that doesn’t have spellcasting ability. A character must use the spell slot in a class of which she can already cast the maximum normal spell level.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times.

Improved Stunning Fist [Epic]

Prerequisite: Dex 19, Wis 19, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.

Benefit: Add +2 to the DC of your stunning attack.

This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Lasting Inspiration [Epic]

Prerequisite: Perform (any one) 25 ranks, bardic music class feature.

Benefit: The effects of your bardic music inspiration abilities last for ten times as long as normal after you stop singing. This has no effect on inspiration abilities that have no duration after you stop singing.

Overwhelming Critical [Epic]

Choose one type of melee weapon. With that weapon, you do more damage on a critical hit.

Prerequisites: Str 23, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (weapon to be chosen), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (weapon to be chosen).

Benefit: When using the weapon you have selected, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon’s critical multiplier is x3, add an extra 2d6 points of damage instead, and if the multiplier is 4, add an extra 3d6 points of damage instead. (Creatures immune to critical hits can’t be affected by this feat.)

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.

Planar Turning [Epic]

Prerequisites: Wis 25, Cha 25, ability to turn or rebuke undead.

Benefit: You can turn or rebuke outsiders as if they were undead. An outsider has effective turn resistance equal to half its spell resistance (round down).

If you can turn undead, you turn (or destroy) all evil outsiders and rebuke (or command) all nonevil outsiders. If you can rebuke undead, you rebuke (or command) all evil outsiders and rebuke (or command) all nonevil outsiders.

Spell Knowledge [Epic]

Prerequisites: Ability to cast spells of the maximum normal spell level of an arcane spellcasting class.

Benefit: You learn two new arcane spells of any level up to the maximum level you can cast. This feat does not grant any additional spell slots.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times.

Terrifying Rage [Epic]

Prerequisites: Intimidate 25 ranks, rage 5/day.

Benefit: While you are raging, any enemy that views you must make a Will save opposed by your Intimidate check or become panicked (if it has HD less than your character level) or shaken (if it has HD equal to or up to twice your character level) for 4d6 rounds. An enemy with Hit Dice greater than twice your character level is not affected by this feat.